Kingsbarns Distillery Visit

I am pleased to announce that the Club’s season of events is up and running. I will circulate the full programme from September to December 2016 to you in the next week or so.

To start off the new season, a visit has been arranged to Kingsbarns Distillery. This is a new and successful business which has been operating for the last two years or so. It has been attracting visitors and widespread publicity over that period.

There will be a charge of £20.00 for the visit which includes a guided tour of the distillery followed by a tasting of two drams. This visit has been arranged for Wednesday 7 September 2016 and as it would be unwise to drive away from this event, a bus will be laid on from Argyle Street car park (Doubledykes Road end) at 6:15pm. The return journey will be at 8:30pm.

As spaces for this visit are restricted to 20, please confirm if you will be attending and let me have payment of the £20.00 by Monday 22 August 2016.

Mr R A Murphy
Secretary & Treasurer