


1. Name
The Club shall be called the “St Andrews Business Club”.

2. Objectives
The objectives of the Club shall be to further the interests of St Andrews and North-East Fife by –
a. The consideration of matters affecting the business and professional interests of the Community.
b. Promoting Trade and Business within North-East Fife.
c. The Promotion of Best Practice in Business.
d. The interchange of ideas relative to Business.

Joining St Andrews Business Club and attending its events is an obvious and essential action for anyone wanting to receive assistance in connecting and interacting with people doing business in North-East Fife as well as learning how to improve their own business and receive support in doing so.

1) Connect people doing business in and with North-East Fife
2) Be the ‘go-to’ resource for all things to do with business in the area
3) Educate and assist member businesses and nurture relationships between them

3. Members
The Club shall consist of people who, in the opinion of the Club, are of good standing in the community and therefore eligible for membership. It shall be in the option of the Committee to decline an application for membership without giving a reason.

4. Officials
The officials of the club shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Committee of a total number deemed necessary by the President for the effective running of the Club.
The Committee may co-opt new members temporarily by majority agreement among them.
The entire management of the affairs and funds of the Club shall be vested in the Committee, five of whom shall form a quorum and the Chair shall have the casting vote.
The President and Vice-President shall hold office for one year only (unless agreed by other members of the Committee in the absence of an applicant to succeed the current holder of the office).
The Secretary and Treasurer shall each hold office for one year, with an option to stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
All other members of the Committee serve a term of two years, with an option to stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting following expiry of their term.

5. Applications for Membership
Application for membership shall be made in writing, signed by the candidate, or by online methods approved by the Committee, and addressed to the Secretary of the Club.
The election of all candidates for membership shall be vested in the Committee, but normally delegated to the Secretary of the Club.

6. Admission to Membership
a. Candidates wishing to join the club should complete the online form via the St Andrews Business Club website and pay their joining fee. The committee reserves the right to refuse membership and to refund the fee.

7. Subscription
The Annual Subscription shall be determined each year by the Committee and intimated to Members. It will be payable on joining or on the anniversary of joining via our membership platform (currently ‘Joinit’).  After reminders for payment of a subscription, the Committee shall, in default of sufficient explanation, remove from the roll of membership the names of members whose subscriptions are in arrears by one month. The Club accounting year shall be May 1 to April 30.

8. Disciplinary procedure
Should any member conduct themselves in a manner which in the opinion of the Committee brings the Club into disrepute by association, members of the Committee shall meet with the member and bring the behaviour to his/her attention. If the behaviour continues, the committee shall cancel the member’s membership.

9. Vacancies
Should any vacancy occur among the Officials of the Club or in the Committee during their term of office, the Committee shall have the power to fill such a vacancy. The appointment will require to be ratified at the next General Meeting.

10. Sub-Committee
The Committee may, as required, appoint from among the Members such Sub-Committee as they may consider necessary or desirable, and may depute or refer to them such powers and duties, as they deem expedient.

11. Annual General Meeting
a. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in May, or whichever month the Committee deems appropriate, and in such place as the committee shall appoint, and notice thereof shall be given to Members at least 28 days before the date of such meeting.
Any Member wishing to move any resolution at the Annual General Meeting of the Club shall give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary, not less than 15 clear days before the date of such meeting. The Secretary shall then intimate any such resolution to all Members at least seven days before the date of the meeting.
b. The election of the officials and Committee shall be at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations shall be delivered to the Secretary in writing seven clear days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
c. The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows: –
1. Approval of the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.
2. To receive the President’s Annual Report.
3. To receive the Treasurer’s Financial Report including the Annual Statement of Accounts for the preceding year for approval.
4. To appoint a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Committee Members and Independent Scrutineer.
5. To Deal with any other competent matters of which due notice has been given in terms of clause 11(a) hereof.

12. Special General Meeting
The Secretary shall, at the request of the President, or of the Committee, or on written requisition of 12 members of the Club (stating the purpose for which General Meeting is called) convene a Special General Meeting and shall give at least seven clear days’ notice to each Member.

13. Ordinary Meetings
Ordinary Meetings of the Club (to be referred to as ‘events’) shall be held from time to time, as the Committee decide, but not less than on at least six occasions. Members may take the opportunity to suggest topics for future events by communication with the Secretary.

14. Treasurer’s Duties
The Treasurer will be responsible for keeping the books and monies of the Club, accounting for all monies received and paid and having such books audited annually by the Independent Scrutineer appointed at the AGM. The power to operate the Bank account of the Club is vested in the Treasurer.

15. Voting
At all meetings each member shall have one vote and in the event of equality the President shall have the casting vote. All elections and decisions shall be by simple majority unless otherwise stated. The means of voting shall be decided by the Committee and can be conducted between meetings when considered appropriate by the Committee.

16. Alteration of Rules
Additions or alterations of the Constitution may be made at the Annual General Meeting or at any General Meeting or Special General Meeting but must be carried by the majority of not less than two-thirds of those present and voting. Any Member desiring to amend, rescind or alter the Constitution shall give notice in writing to the Secretary of such intention not less than 15 clear days before the Meeting at which the Member wishes the matter to be voted upon.

17. Honorariums
In exceptional circumstances, the Committee can recommend to Members at the Annual General Meeting honorariums for the Secretary and any other members of Committee who it feels have ‘gone the extra mile’ for the Club during the Season in terms of giving their time and expertise, except the President – for whom the honour of the position is sufficient. Amounts should be recommended by the Committee based on the state of the Club’s funds and its future needs. Members will be asked to vote on each separately.

18. Legal status
The Club’s legal status is as a voluntary membership club.

19. Ownership of the Club’s assets
The Club’s assets are owned jointly by the current Members of the Club. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, after payment and resolution of any outstanding and ongoing liabilities, its financial assets should be split equally among the Members recorded as current 60 days before any resolution to dissolve the Club is tabled. The disposal of the President’s medal shall be decided by the final Committee.