Business Breakfast – Sales professional to advise on The Challenge of Sales in the Digital Age

People doing business in North-East Fife can learn how to meet the challenge of Sales in the Digital Age from an international sales professional at St Andrews Business Club’s breakfast event on April 25.

In the Club’s first business breakfast of the year, to be held at the Old Course Hotel from 7.30am, Sales Coach Peter Waggott of Vertical Motives, who is an Executive Fellow at the University of Aberdeen and teaches sales to MBA students, will teach attendees how sales has changed in this digital age, how to develop their customer base and move away from ‘solution sales’.

Anyone wanting to learn about this important business topic for business, as well as network, is asked to book via Eventbrite.

Learn to use marketing messages to make customers love your business

Award-winning journalist and PR consultant Lynda Hamilton Parker will teach attendees about how to communicate their business messages.

People doing business in North-East Fife can make a date with St Andrews Business Club on Valentine’s Day to learn how best to make customers love their business by communicating their business messages effectively.


In the latest event of the club’s season, to be held at the Old Course Hotel from 5.30pm, award-winning journalist and PR consultant Lynda Hamilton Parker will teach attendees about how to communicate their business messages by using the media and other marketing channels to raise the profile of their business.


Lynda will also describe how the media work as well as debunking some of the myths and mysteries around PR.

Anyone wishing to learn about this important business topic, as well as network, is asked to book via Eventbrite.

A full list of this season’s events can be found at

Learning Lunch – Preparing for Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is a key part of the UK Government’s plans to make it easier for individuals and businesses to get their tax right and keep on top of their affairs. But the timetable for which businesses will be affected, and when, are different.


Although the implementation deadline has been pushed back as a result of the 2017 Finance Bill, no business should leave preparing for it till the last minute.

One of the recommended changes is moving to online accounting software, for which there are other compelling commercial benefits, including significant cost savings, increased efficiency, improved management information and 24/7 mobile access to your data.

In our first Learning Lunch of 2018, Mark Gibson and Elaine Cromwell, Partners at Thomson Cooper Accountants, explained how online accounting delivers streamlined processes, resulting in improved business performance.

The presentations began with Mark talking about personal tax accounts and MTD.

Mark talked about personal tax accounts and MTD.

The presentations ended with Elaine taking attendees through moving to online accounting and the benefits of doing so, aside from preparing for MTD.

Elaine took attendees through moving to online accounting and the benefits of doing so, aside from preparing for MTD.

For more information about this subject, you can visit Thomson Cooper Accountants website at

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page.

NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is January 24: North East Fife 2018 – what businesses should expect

Keith Winter, Executive Director of Enterprise & Environment at Fife Council and Professor Brad MacKay, Vice-Principal, International Strategy and External Relations at University of St Andrews, will talk about what they believe 2018 will and may hold for St Andrews and North-East Fife which will affect businesses and for which they need to have a plan.

North-East Fife 2018 – what to expect for businesses

People doing business in North-East Fife are being invited to St Andrews Business Club’s event on January 24 to hear what to expect in the economy of North-East Fife in 2018.


In the event, to be held at the Old Course Hotel from 5.30pm, Keith Winter, Executive Director of Enterprise & Environment at Fife Council and Professor Brad MacKay, Vice-Principal, International Strategy and External Relations at University of St Andrews, will talk about what they believe 2018 will and may hold for St Andrews and North-East Fife which will affect businesses and for which they need to have a plan.

Anyone wishing to learn about this important business topic, as well as network, is asked to book via Eventbrite. A full list of this season’s events can be found at

The Club’s first event of the New Year, and at its new venue, is on preparing your business for HMRC’s Making Tax Digital programme and takes place on January 10.


Loretta Maxfield of Thorntons Law LLP explained how company owners and managers can avoid getting into problems with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on May 25 2018. Pic: ASM Media & PR

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on May 25 2018 and will be enforceable on many UK businesses.


Loretta Maxfield of Thorntons Law LLP has more than 10 years’ experience in advising a range of public bodies, research/education institutions and private businesses (up to £300m+ turnover) on data protection, privacy and other regulatory matters.

In the Club’s first Learning Lunch, which was a joint-event with Fife Women In Business, Loretta explained to attendees:

  • What GDPR is
  • How it will affect businesses
  • What they need to do to ensure compliance
  • Penalties if they don’t

The event was very much enjoyed by all who attended, who said they found it very useful.

For information about this subject, you can visit Thorntons’ GDPR Legal Advice Hub at

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page.

NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is December 6: Members & Guests-only Business Visit + Festive Social – The Old Course Hotel.

Join us for an exclusive insight into the upgraded facilities at St Andrews’ top hotel as well as an opportunity to network with Club members in a relaxed atmosphere.

If you’re not a Club member but would like to attend this event, you’ll need to join the Club before booking.

Surviving Brexit

It’s not yet clear what form Brexit will take, so the Club’s November 8 event was designed to help company owners and managers develop a Brexit survival strategy for whatever happens.


Dr Shona Dobbie of Angus Economics provided a politics-free understanding of the economic consequences of Brexit so far.

Former Alliance Trust economist Dr Shona Dobbie gives independent economic, political and demographic advice to businesses.

She provided a politics-free understanding of the economic consequences of Brexit, including the effect on Sterling exchange rates, the UK equity markets and the impact of Sterling depreciation.

Highly experienced international businessman and entrepreneur Stephen Westwood gave an appreciation of the actual and perceived impacts of Brexit on business and suggested some solutions.

Stephen Westwood is a highly experienced businessman and entrepreneur who’s fulfilled roles as Chief Executive, Finance Director and interim executive across multiple business sectors for corporations in the UK and the US. He’s now engaged as Chairman and shareholder in developing three emerging businesses in digital technology and energy efficiency.

Stephen gave an appreciation of the actual and perceived impacts of Brexit on business, including currency volatility, the rights of EU nationals to remain and work, trading terms and access to capital. He also challenged attendees to consider what they can do about each and offered some ideas.

Dr Billy Grierson of Perth Innovation challenged attendees to start the process of thinking about what opportunities and challenges their businesses will face and what they can do about them.

Innovation and business consultant Dr Billy Grierson spent more than 30 years working for Ciba and BASF developing an understanding of how companies fail to solve problems and what tools and techniques can be used to improve their success rate.

He explained the Confrontation Matrix framework to start the process of thinking about what opportunities and challenges your business will face and what you can do about them and had attendees start using it to consider the strategies their businesses should be using.

The event was very much enjoyed by all who attended, who said they found it very useful.

NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is Learning Lunch: GDPR on November 22. It will help you ensure your organisation doesn’t incur fines of up to €20 million or more when the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force next May.

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page.

Cyber Risk Evening Event

Speakers: Colin McLean and Dr Natalie Coull from Abertay University’s Division of Computing and Mathematics plus Susan Riccio from PIB Insurance.

Colin McLean is a Lecturer in Computing at Abertay University and Certified Ethical Hacker trained in Internal and External Penetration tester.

In 2006, Colin developed the BSc in Ethical Hacking at Abertay University – the world’s first undergraduate degree with the word “hacking” in the title. In 2015, Colin was listed in the Top 100 people driving the digital agenda in Scotland by Holyrood magazine.

Dr Natalie Coull is programme tutor for the MSc in Ethical Hacking at Abertay University and teaches a range of subject areas from programming to ethical hacking.

Natalie won the Outstanding Woman in Cyber award at the inaugural Scottish Cyber Awards last year and is involved in a number of initiatives to increase the number of women who choose to study computing.

Natalie and Colin explained the rationale and approach behind ethical hacking before giving examples of recently-discovered common website vulnerabilities and the costs if your company is affected.

Ethical hacker and lecturer Colin McLean of Abertay University at the event.

They then went through some typical hacker/victim scenarios, showing how people can make a vital mistake – clicking a link or opening an attachment – which gives the hacker access and then demonstrated the range of things the hacker can then do.

Colin McLean and Dr Natalie Coull from Abertay University demonstrating typical hacker/victim scenarios.

Before the talk they profiled the Club and an organisation connected with it and explained the weaknesses they found. Finally, Colin and Natalie explained the things you can do to protect yourself and your organisation.

Susan Riccio is a Senior Financial Lines Account Executive at PIB Insurance Brokers. Susan has more than 30 years’ experience in the insurance industry. Her specialisms include cyber liability, professional indemnity and management liability.

Susan Riccio from PIB Insurance Brokers outlined the evolution of cyber risk and regulation before going on to explain cyber risk and data breach insurance and the types of losses and incident/crisis response services it covers.

Susan first outlined the evolution of cyber risk and regulation, before going on to explain cyber risk and data breach insurance and the types of losses it covers and the incident/crisis response services included. Finally Susan gave examples of past claims and how you can mitigate against cyber risk in a bid to protect your balance sheet and your organisation’s reputation.

Information about the BSc in Ethical hacking at Abertay University can be found on the university website at

Details of cyber risk insurance available from PIB Insurance can be found at

15 Ways For Every Fife Business To Improve Their Copy And Increase Sales

My name is Andy Brown and my mission is to help local business owners in Fife attract a steady consistent stream of new clients.

Today I would like to offer some practical advice on how to improve your current marketing copy and as a result increase your sales.

Unfortunately the majority of business owners in St Andrews and Fife have never been exposed to ways in which they can quickly enhance their copy.

This isn’t their fault.

Firstly, it’s rare they have ever been on a copywriting course. Secondly, if they have ever employed a professional copywriter, it’s unlikely that they will have been told exactly why a specific block of copy was crafted the way in which it was.

Can you relate to this? If so, I’m hoping I can assist you in improving your existing copy and generating more leads and sales for you.

Learning to write compelling copy takes many years and to honest the lessons never stop. It would be impossible to even give you a copywriting 101 course in this article. I do believe though if you have previously written a sales letter, brochure, leaflet, postcard or a new page on your website, implementing the following 15 tips will improve your conversions and result in new business.

1. Write A Headline That Emotionally Hooks The Reader

Amazingly the headline often comes as an afterthought. Picture this, the Fife business owner is relieved at having finished their copy and quickly types the first headline that comes into their head. Now compare this to a professional copywriter who may spend as much time on their headline as they do on all the copy below it. It isn’t unusual for them to write  25 or more headlines, before deciding on the best one.

As a guideline I recommend you remember two key principles about headlines.

The first is to remember to include at least one benefit in your headline. This will hook the reader into wanting to read more because you have initially told them how they can benefit from reading on.

The second principle is to acknowledge that the only purpose of the your headline is to compel the reader to read the next line of copy below it. It doesn’t get anymore complicated than that. This is true for example, whether you are writing a sales letter or crafting a headline for a Google Adwords ad.

Finally if you’re stuck for a headline, keep it simple and ask a question. The use of questions can be some of the most compelling headlines you will ever read.

2. Always Write About The Benefits Of Your Product Or Service First

All too often businesses are too keen to start their copy with a full blown list of one product or service feature after another. This is tiresome for the reader because they will only truly about what you have to say once you have specifically told them how they will benefit from your offer.

3. Let Others Tell Your Story

Whilst you will endeavour to make the best attempt at telling your story, nothing beats the authenticity of a customer telling your story on your behalf. This type of storytelling can be in the form of text, images, audio or video. For example posting a testimonial in your copy with their full name and location, with hopefully a photo, will enhance the conversion of your copy.

4. Keep Your Sentences Short And Easy To Read

The best copy is one made up of short sentences and paragraphs. Writing business copy isn’t the time to use industry jargon. At all costs avoid saying anything that may confuse your reader. They will only spend the time to consume your copy if it’s a breeze to read.

5. Write In The Second Person

Never lose sight of the fact only one person will ever be reading your copy. It isn’t as if you are addressing a group of people. Your business copy represents a one on one conversation and it makes total sense to speak directly to the reader. Learn to include the words “you” and “your” in your copy so it’s clear you have the reader’s interest at heart.

I bet if you checked your existing copy now, you would be surprised at the number of times you have used the words “we” and “our”.

6. Make An Offer Your Readers Can Truly Not Resist

Everyday we are bombarded with lame offers. You only have to walk around your local supermarket to see row upon row of the 2 for 1 offers. It takes something special now to hook our attention. If your offer isn’t irresistible, don’t be surprised if it quickly gets overlooked! You know it you gut whether the offer is special, if it isn’t do not waste time writing about it.

7. Determine A Strong Call To Action

At the end of your copy you must ask your reader to take action. Simply including your telephone number and email address won’t drive the results you desire. You need to include one compelling call to action. You need to spell it out and include at least one benefit the reader will receive.

Do not paralyse your reader with too much choice. I like to stick with one call to action per piece of copy. If you are you guilty of having too many different calls to action, it’s time to concentrate the most important one.

8. Set A Deadline To Create Urgency

You know yourself how powerful deadlines are in motivating you to do something. It’s the same with your written copy, you need to put pressure on your reader to take action. If you don’t nothing will happen. This is the way we as human beings are wired and hence your copy should always include a deadline.

9. Keep Your Page Design Clean And Simple

Do you remember this quote?

“KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid!”

This relates directly to how you should layout your marketing copy. A cluttered layout is hard to read . Keep it clean and simple. Use white space to make your copy easier to read.

I like to use dark text on a white background and use a different colour for headlines and sub headlines.

10. Limit The Distractions You Offer Your Reader

Posting your content on a normal web page that offers too many choices and distractions will make it difficult to compel your reader to take action you desire of them. Ideally your copy should be placed on a landing page that only gives the reader two options. One they can read the copy and take action or two they can leave the page.

11. Track Your Results Using Phone And Web Technologies

In this day and age there’s no excuse of being in the predicament that Henry Ford once commented on:

“I know only half of my advertising works. The problem is, I don’t know which half.”

It’s inexpensive to track inbound calls and free to use Google Analytics.

12. Generate Your Client Avatar Before Writing

You simply can’t market to everyone, this is too vague and untargetted. You should only market to your client avatar.

A client avatar is a detailed profile of ideal customer. You should take the time to write a full customer description including where they live and work, their gender and age, whether they are married, whether they have children, what sports and hobbies they enjoy, what frustrates them in life, what gives them pleasure, their dreams and aspirations.

Furthermore you need to describe how they do business with you, how you make their life easier and why they give you their business.  Finally you give them a name so as it’s easy to say “today I’m writing to John, instead of a sea of people I can’t relate to!”

13. Be Strategic And Write For Where Your Prospect Is In Your Sales Funnel

Having set up a sales funnel you need to acknowledge it may take sometime for someone to finally commit to and buy from you. Thus it’s important appreciate the purpose of your copy as your prospect moves along the funnel. Continue to question the calls ot action you asking your prospect to make. For example is it wise to ask them for the sale when ultimately you should be offering them a free trial so as you have their email to follow up with.

14. Enter The Conversation In Your Client’s Mind

Robert Collier once famously said:

“Enter into a conversation your prospect is already having.”

These words have stuck with me for a long time. Compare this to the actions you take at a cocktail party. When you first join a group of people I imagine you say something that relates to the current conversation, rather than starting a new one. This is the same approach you should take to your marketing.

15. Test, Test And Test Again!

Improving the conversion rate of your copy comes down to continually testing it. You will often hear the word “control” in marketing circles. This represents the best performing version of your copy. Learn to increases leads and sales by working on your “control”.

I recommend you only test one thing at a time, otherwise you won’t know what caused the improvement. Thus change the headline or the call to action, but not both at the same time.