Summer Food and Wine Social

Report by Sanaa Sachdev


Marie Paterson, Business Club President and Christopher Trotter, Fife Food Ambassador, and one of the Committee Members hosted the Summer Social

Members and Guests enjoyed the first-ever virtual Summer Food and Wine Social.


The evening was hosted by Marie Paterson, Business Club President and Christopher Trotter, Fife Food Ambassador, and one of the Committee Members. Whilst the event was held virtually, attendees enjoyed 3 specially selected wines and some delicious food. Christopher provided the recipes and everyone prepared the food in advance. Some attendees cooked poached wild sea trout, and green bean and potato salad, while others bought poached trout and served it with mayonnaise. For dessert, Members and Guests had the choice of strawberry tart or strawberries with black pepper and this was followed by Anster cheese. He also shared some information about the wines and local food, and everyone agreed the food and wines were delicious. Whilst it would have been lovely to have been together in person, everyone agreed it was still such great fun.

Members’ Presentations – How to get your business through Covid-19

Since we started holding our Member Presentation Evenings two years ago, it has been one of our most popular annual events. Club members, talk for five minutes each and answer questions to share some useful knowledge and demonstrate their skills and expertise.


This year, given the challenges presented by Covid-19, we asked them to talk about what will help businesses survive and thrive during and after lockdown.

First to speak was Club President and well-being expert Marie Paterson who provided top tips for maintaining health throughout lockdown, whether it be through a healthy structured diet or a consistent sleeping pattern.


Next to speak was new Club committee member and Director of HRHUB Plus, Edward Obi who offered detailed HR advice to employers during the Covid-19 crisis.


Third to speak was Club Treasurer Michael Stephenson, of EQ Accountants, who offered advice on furloughing employees and accounting throughout lockdown.


Next to speak was Andrew Stewart from A S Wealth Management, who discussed the importance of financial planning during and beyond lockdown.


Fifth to speak was Heather Stuart, Chief Executive of ONFife who talked about opportunity spotting during lockdown.


Last but not least was committee member Jonathan Gibson of Wells Gibson who talked about the importance of purpose driven wealth.

Thanks to Members and guests who took part.

NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is June 24: Summer Social with a difference. While we’re unable to meet and taste some wine and food as planned, we will still join together virtually with two specially-selected wines and some delicious food, hosted by Christopher Trotter. Notice of the wineand food which needs to be bought in advance will be available soon!