2020 AGM Evening – Guest Speaker Andy Lothian

By Sanaa Sachdev

64th President Marie Paterson (left) and Immediate Past President Caroline Rochford at the Club’s 70th birthday dinner-dance in February.

In the Club’s 2020 AGM, held online for the first time via Zoom, outgoing President Caroline Rochford reported Club membership was 132 by the end of April, 12 ahead of this time last season, making it a third successive year of growth for the Club.


The Club’s finances are also in a healthy state, allowing the new Committee to consider more new initiatives next season.

In her President’s Report, Caroline reminded members of the events held so far this season before thanking the outgoing Committee, Marketing Communications interns and Marketing Assistant for their hard work.

Speaking about the club year, Caroline said: “As I step down from my presidency, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge what an incredibly friendly and successful business club we are. I love hearing from visitors that they have found the club to be friendly and welcoming and long may that continue.

“It has been hard work behind the scenes, but I know that I have been able to build on the great work that previous Presidents and Committees had already put in place. Thank you for the privilege it has been to be your President.”

2020-21 Committee

The 2020-21 Committee elected are:

  • 64th President – Marie Paterson
  • Vice-President – Reseda Muir
  • Secretary – [Position vacant]
  • Treasurer – Michael Stephenson
  • Immediate Past President – Carolyn Rochford
  • Committee members – Alasdair Kyle, Jonathan Gibson, Christopher Trotter, Heather Stuart, Kirstin Uhlenbrock

Newly-elected President, Marie Paterson, thanked Caroline for her dedicated service to the Club before asking members to approve honoraria for Emma-Jane Kerr and Alan S. Morrison for ‘going the extra mile’ for the Club during the year and a gift to Caroline.

Marie then closed the AGM before introducing the Guest Speaker, Andy Lothian, Chief Executive of Insights Group.

Insights Group CEO, Andy Lothian, was guest speaker.

“I’ve often said self-awareness is the foundation on which all else is built.”

Almost 30 years ago, Insights Group Chief Executive Andy Lothian left the City of London to build a business with his father, Andi Lothian, in his home town of Dundee. From a humble two-man operation, the Insights Group is now one of Scotland’s fastest-growing and most successful businesses.

Andy shared his personal story of success and revealed the principles that have guided him over the years before talking about how your personal purpose and strategy should help guide your thinking about how to take your business through the Covid-19 crisis. Thanks to Andy for sharing his story and expertise with our Members and other attendees.

For more information about Insights Group and its work, go to its website at https://www.insights.com/

NEXT EVENT: June 3 – Members’ Presentations Evening – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/members-presentation-evening-member-only-event-tickets-106209752228 

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