By Sanaa Sachdev
In the first event of the 2019-20 season, Eileen Cooper, the award-winning marketing consultant and owner of Limetree Marketing & Business Consultancy, shared examples of how brands have adapted their message to the modern world to stimulate thought on marketing in today’s society.
Eileen has been working in marketing for more than 23 years and has a degree in Business Administration with Marketing, a Diploma in Digital Marketing and is a Fellow of The Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing (The IDM).
Among the key points Eileen made were:
- Be clear on your objectives
- Identify customer segments and personas
- Get customers into your Loyalty Loop including reviews
- Develop a range of content for different tasks
- Tap into the emotions of your audiences
- Integrate digital with your other marketing channels
- Monitor the ROI of all your marketing spend
Thanks to Eileen for sharing her knowledge and experience with us.
For more information about Limetree Marketing & Business Consultancy, visit its website at
For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page.
NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is Oct 7 University of St Andrews Enterprise Week 2019 – Keynote Event, where St Andrews Business Club has partnered with Enterprise Week Student Committee to hear entrepreneurs from across the UK share their experiences and approach.