Joyce Duncan

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th May for 8.00 am at Alexander’s Restaurant, Best Western Scores Hotel, St Andrews. The cost of the Meeting will be £10.50 per person.

As usual any guest who may be thinking of joining the Club will be welcome free of charge.

Our guest speaker will be Joyce Duncan, Managing Director of Impact-21, an Enterprise Trust, which is responsible for business support delivery in Fife. Its focus is to encourage enterprise and business development through support for businesses and individuals to maximise their potential through targeted business advice and training.

Its activities covers all commercial and industrial sectors and a variety of types of business including start-ups, high growth, family owned concerns, social enterprises and academic commercialisations. The services include advice, training, consultancy and project management alongside a range of business development activities, working in partnership with the private and public sectors. It is contracted to manage the Business Gateway services on behalf of Fife Council, following the decision of Scottish Enterprise to centralise its activities.