August, 2018

St Andrews Business Club 2018-19 Season – delivering what you want


By Alan S. Morrison, President

How do you follow the most successful season in the Club’s history – in which it ended with a record 128 Members and broke the record for attendance at a Club event (the North–East Fife 2018 event on January 24)?

We reckon the answer is to find out what the Key Success Factors were and plan another season that features both them and new events which our Members asked for via a survey. By doing that we’re showing the Club’s continued commitment to finding out what our Members want and delivering it to them.

Today we’re delighted to be announcing an exciting programme of events based on that principle. As with last season, the key elements in them are: expert insights, business learning, privileged access, inspiration and networking.

Expert insights

The following events will provide Members and other event attendees with expert insights on key issues:

Business learning

Our learning event topics are ones our Members said they wanted in the Member Survey and we’ve found expert speakers for them:

Another learning event may be added later.

Privileged access

Business visits have always been a popular and well-attended part of the Club’s programme. The following Members & Guests-only events will provide Members and their Guests with privileged access to places and people – always a valuable part of Club membership:


We know how much hearing high-achieving people share their stories and lessons can inspire and educate you. The following events will provide plenty of both:


As with the last two seasons, all our events will include scheduled time for networking, with most open to Non-Members – so you and your guests can meet them.

For full details of these and the other events, go to our Events page. More will be added later when details are confirmed. Bookings for all the above events are now open.

Membership benefits

The right to present at our Members’ Success stories event is one of several membership benefits. But why else should you join the Club?

Here are the range of benefits Members enjoy:

Membership still only £50 a year

That’s a fantastic range of benefits for just £50 annual individual membershipn.

Still not convinced? You can read here why some members joined, what they’ve gained and enjoyed since.

Want to join the Club? Find out how to do that here. Existing members will receive their renewal reminder next month.

Corporate Membership option

If you think some of your colleagues would also want to join or renew their membership, you should consider the corporate membership option. It’s just £165 for five named members of an organisation – saving your organisation £85 on the equivalent individual memberships. Go here for full details.

Whether you’re already a member, a past one or someone new to the Club, we’d be delighted to see you at our events this season. And hear what you think – so we can keep making the Club better.

St Andrews Business Club