2021 AGM – Guest Speaker Jamie Andrew

June 3, 2021


Remaining online for the Club’s 2021 AGM, the conference celebrated this season’s committee and members for hosting a share of memorable virtual events throughout these exceptional times. 

Immediate Past President Marie Paterson acknowledged the resilience and dedication of the club’s members in continuing to focus on business development despite the difficult challenges posed the past year. Despite membership dropping from its all-time high of 130, approximately being cut in half as a result of the pandemic, the organisation’s bank balance is in good shape as the club looks to start the new season with face to face meetings. 

Marie praised the outgoing Committee for creating engaging and productive zoom sessions combining the likes of food, wine, networking and education. Events covered a range of pressing topics including ‘leading change; podcasting; embracing diversity; and the impact of Brexit.’ Similarly, the club’s first partnering with the Home Start St Andrews charity at Christmas proves a new annual means of support to the community. 


2021-2022 Committee

The 2021-2022 elected committee are:

  • 65th President Christopher Trotter
  • Vice President – Heather Stuart
  • Secretary – Emma-Jane Kerr
  • Treasurer – Alasdair Kyle
  • Immediate Past President – Marie Paterson
  • Committee members – Reseda Muir, Edward Obi, Andrew Stewart.


Marie gave great acknowledgement to secretary Emma-Jane Kerr for her major role in improving the club’s operation. She also thanked Immediate Past President Caroline and past Treasurer Michael for their longtime service as they stood down from their respective positions. Similarly, Marie thanked her Vice President Reseda and the rest of the committee who are continuing their roles in the upcoming season. Last but not least she thanked Marketing-communications interns Sanaa and Stanley for all they have done in promoting the club the past two years. Stating, “I am especially delighted to be handing over to a really strong group of office bearers who I know will see us through the next year, whatever life throws at us.”

Lastly, Marie enthusiastically introduced the newly elected committee before ‘passing the medal’ on to Newly-elected President Christopher Trotter. Trotter, a longtime member and St Andrews native, thanked Marie for her unwavering service and saluted his Committee, marketing communications interns and members for a much-anticipated return in-person events.

Christopher’s first order as President was to encourage each member to invite a colleague to the club’s future events, a sure way to increase membership numbers for the coming season. 

Closing the AGM, Christopher introduced the long-awaited guest speaker for the evening’s inspiring presentation, which was given by Jamie Andrew, OBE. Jamie detailed his experience of losing all of his limbs after being trapped by a storm atop a mountain in the French Alps. Following this, Jamie’s inspiring story shows his recovery from his injuries and him going on to be the first quadruple amputee to climb the Matterhorn, as well as other mountains, alongside completing marathons and Iron Man triathlons. Jamie’s story, recounted with honesty and passion, is nothing short of incredible.  

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