Internship Vacancies

St Andrews Business Club is looking to appoint two new Marketing Communications Interns.


This is a great opportunity to work for a local, long-established networking club where you will gain excellent business experience and communication skills​.
While this is not a paid position, any out-of-pocket expenses incurred on Club duties will be reimbursed and the successful candidate will have the opportunity to enjoy the following benefits:


  • Training and mentoring from the business club committee members.
  • Practical experience in real-life marketing communications to add to your CV.
  • LinkedIn Recommendations from Committee members –​ – if overall job performance has met an agreed standard.
  • Introductions to useful career contacts
  • Opportunity to network and make useful career and personal connections at Club events, free of charge.
  • Enjoy the full benefits of being a member of the St Andrews Business Club, such as member discounts at Luvians.
  • Attend relevant educational talks by the business community.
  • Experience working on a professional committee and the duties it entails, as well as gaining knowledge of issues such as advertising/GDPR/club finances.


  • The interns will assist the business club committee in advertising and running events.
  • Attend the events, take photos, and produce post-event comms.
  • Attend Committee meetings with the main business club committee – approximately once every 2 months in the evening 5.30-7 pm.


  • Schedule social media Business page posts to promote each event using Hootsuite.
  • Promote member businesses by creating social posts – Opportunity for interns to devise creative, original content that drives more engagement.
  • Create content for post event comms.
  • Take photographs of the event (with a club camera).


  • Edit content on Club’s WordPress site – Training will be provided.


  • Evaluate the need for a student club and act on results which may include re-establishing the student club post-Covid.


  • Eventbrite – event creation & management – Training and content will be provided.
  • Attend Club events – to assist with running each event – roughly one per month. See the schedule at


  • Interest in marketing communications
  • Facebook – you must have your own account – Admin permissions for the Club page will be granted.
  • Twitter – some prior experience would be useful, but training will be provided
  • LinkedIn – you must have a profile on this platform
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Proficient in a wide variety of IT applications
  • Must be professional and flexible in the way tasks are completed
  • Good time management skills
  • Desire to learn and be guided by experienced professionals


Approximately 2 hours per week.


The start date and length of the internship will be agreed with the successful candidates.


The interns will be supervised and trained directly by the Committee member with primary responsibility for Club communications, but also by other members of the Committee.


The application should be made by sending your CV via email to with:

  • Subject Line “Marketing Communications Intern Application”
  • In the body of the email, you should describe why you are applying and why you feel you would be suitable for the role.

CLOSING DATE: 21st October 2022

A shortlist of candidates will be selected for an interview in St Andrews or online.
​ Any queries about this role should be emailed to ​

INTERNSHIP VACANCY – Marketing Communications Intern

St Andrews Business Club is looking to appoint a new Marketing Communications Intern.

While this is not a paid position, any out-of-pocket expenses incurred on Club duties will be reimbursed and the successful candidate will have the opportunity to enjoy the following benefits:


  • Training from experienced professionals, mainly Alan S. Morrison, President –
  • Practical experience of real-life marketing communications with measurable results to add to your CV
  • LinkedIn Recommendations from Committee members – if overall job performance has met an agreed standard
  • Introductions to useful career contacts and potential employers if overall job performance has met an agreed standard
  • Opportunity to network and make useful career and personal connections at Club events, free of charge




–  Create Facebook Event for each Club event (using approved text and photos supplied by main Comms person/Event speaker contact) – about 10 minutes per event before start of season, which runs September to June.
Some already created will require updating once details decided. Picture will be supplied at right spec to fit perfectly. Intern could create in photo editing software if they’d prefer to have that learning experience.

Schedule Facebook Business page posts to promote each event – 20 minutes every 3-4 weeks through the season.

Schedule daily Facebook posts once a week – 1.5 hours per week. Involves curating posts by Club members and speakers as well as creating a weekly #MemberMonday post. Links can be supplied. Tuition and content strategy will be supplied. Opportunity for intern to devise creative original content that drives more engagement.

Optional – ‘Social listening’ – checking Facebook notifications daily for any comments to the page which require a reply and responding accordingly or flag to Club Comms person. 10 minutes maximum per day.

Optional – Creating and adding content to a Facebook Album for each event – uploading images (supplied unless intern wishes to learn event photography too) as well as linking it to the event report on the Club website. 30 minutes per event.


–  Schedule tweets in Hootsuitehttps://hootsuite.comto promote each event using Eventbrite link and photos supplied by main Comms person/Event speaker contact. Intern will create their own free Hootsuite account and relevant permissions will be granted to schedule Club tweets. Training will be provided. 30 minutes per event, every 3-4 weeks during the season.

Scheduling two tweets to share the link to the Facebook Album and 4 of the photos from it after each event, which finish 9am, 2pm, and 7.30pm. 15 minutes per event every two weeks during the season.

Schedule a weekly #MemberMonday post – best done a month at a time – 10 minutes for each as involves taking a screengrab of their website and using that as the photo. Also searching for their social accounts to tag – so they get a notification and share it. 4 a month, year-round. Intern would be requested but not required to do this during their holidays.

Optional – Retweet Members tweets and ones by Local and Fife groups we have friendly links with and have created Twitter Lists for – once a day, 1pm for 10 minutes [N.B. Timing important for maximising views].

Optional – ‘Social listening’ – checking Twitter notifications daily for any comments which require a reply and responding accordingly or flagging to Club Comms person. Best done in Tweetdeck via web browser (free). Expert tuition on its use will be provided. 10 minutes maximum per day.


  • Editing content on Club’s WordPress site – training will be provided. Maximum of an hour every two weeks.

Attending Committee meetings – one every 2 months in the evening 5.30-7pm.


  • Eventbrite – event creation & management. Training and content will be provided – 30 min per event listing twice in season. 10-12 events per season is target.
  • MailChimp – marketing email creation & scheduling –  two per event during season. Training and content will be provided.
  • Optional – PR – news copywriting, researching using Cision media database, media-spec picture formatting, pitching & coverage checking training for PR undertaken every 2 weeks during season. Scope and time could be agreed with successful candidate.
  • Project – to increase new memberships and membership renewals – time could be agreed with successful candidate.
  •  Attending Club events – to assist with running of each event – roughly one per month. See schedule at


  • Interest in marketing communications, ideally targeting a career involving or related to this.
  • Facebook – must have own account – Admin permissions for Club page will be granted. No prior knowledge or experience of using a Facebook Business page required – training will be provided, attitude more important.
  • Twitter – some prior experience would be useful, but training will be provided
  • LinkedIn – must have a profile on this platform
  • Fluent written and spoken English
  • Must have access to image editing software
  • Must be able to read and edit documents in Microsoft Word
  • Should be able to access Dropbox for sharing of documents and files.
  • Must be professional and flexible in way tasks are completed and time is managed
  • Desire to learn and be guided by experienced professionals essential


See above, but once season launched total typically at least two hours every two weeks. Actual weekly hours will depend on how much successful candidate wants to learn and take responsibility for.

Will be more during period building up to season launch, but hours for that can be agreed with successful candidate.


The start date and length of the internship will be agreed with the successful candidate.


The intern will be supervised and trained directly by the Committee member with primary responsibility for Club communications (currently the Vice-President, Alan S. Morrison) but also by other members of the Committee when attending events and Committee meetings.


Application should be made by email to with:

  • Subject Line “Marketing Communications Intern Application”
  • CV attached
  • Body text of email describing why candidate is applying and why they would be suitable for the role.

A shortlist of candidates will be selected for brief interview in St Andrews w/b 28/1/19.

CLOSING DATE: Sunday 13/1/19, 23:59

 QUERIES: Any queries about this role should be emailed to the President, Alan S. Morrison, on

Want to know more about what this internship is like? Here’s a blog by our first Marketing Communications Intern, Comora Love-Mitchell.

Life as the St Andrews Business Club Marketing Communications Intern

Comora Love-Mitchell, the Club’s first Marketing Communications intern.

Hello everyone, this is my first blog post for St Andrews Business Club.


I’m currently in my final year at the University of St Andrews and I can’t believe how quickly 4th Year has come. I now truly understand the phrase ‘time flies when you’re having fun.’

Interning with the Club has been a whirlwind. I have learned a tremendous amount from the Club, but also from my mentor and current Club President Alan S. Morrison.

As this post is about my time as the Marketing Communications Intern, I’ll now give you a glimpse into what it’s been like since the start of my internship.

This time last year I was looking for work experience to busy myself during the term in my field of choice – marketing. When the job posting for this internship popped up in my email from the Careers Center in November I’m be the first to admit it came at the worst possible time – I was stressed out with deadlines and nearing revision studying. When do great opportunities come when it’s convenient?


Fast forward through the interview process and subsequent acceptance, I dived head first into my responsibilities, which is exactly how I’d want it.

Comora talking to Flora Selwyn, Editor of St Andrews in Focus, at her first event.

I attended my first Club event – a tour of The Old Course Hotel – in December 2017 (pictured right). This was my first interaction with Alan since my interview as well as my first meeting with the rest of the 2017/2018 Committee. Everyone was extremely kind and ready to talk. It was a perfect beginning.

Another huge part of our early meetings was giving me insight into the goals of the Club for the year.

I not only learned about the Club and the businesses they supported, but also about businesses in general, different strategies implemented by them, and business models. Some of these included the Disney Strategy for creative ideation, Agency Problem, Stakeholder Map and 80/20 Rule just to name a few.

After the holidays, Alan and I met up to commence my training. Hitting the ground running, we outlined the areas I was really interested in learning about and what I wanted to get from this experience. We agreed to first focus on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and Alan sat with me in Starbucks for two hours once a week to train me on the ins and outs of social media and marketing tips of the trade.


My duties for the Club most heavily focuses on creating posts for the #MemberMonday meme as well as weekly Member posts that feature different Members, which is one of the perks of Membership with St Andrews Business Club.

I learned what times different posts should be scheduled at to receive maximum views and clicks and also general ‘How Tos’ for scheduling and formatting posts in Hootsuite and Facebook.

As time went on I gained more and more responsibility as I became comfortable with my position and learned about the industry. I was given the opportunity to draft copy for press releases and compile the Club’s monthly KPI reports for the Committee. At events, I helped to set up before the start of each event, sign in all of the Members and place out badges so it was easier for everyone to interact in the networking environment.

I’ve valued this experience because it has allowed me to expand on my past experiences with marketing communications as well as to learn new things and be given the opportunity to explore areas of interest I have within the marketing realm.

Everyone has been more than happy to answer any questions or concerns I have had and this internship has equipped me with the tools I need to be successful in whatever field I choose to go forward in because of the fundamentals the Club has given me.

I cannot recommend this internship and this club enough to people who are unsure if they want to get involved.