More reasons to Meet, Learn & Join in St Andrews Business Club 2017-18 Season

By Alistair Morris, President

Since the Club’s AGM in April, the Committee has been hard at work all summer on ways to make membership of the Club and attending its events more directly useful to members and non-members.

The season and changes we’re announcing today are based on the results of detailed market research interviews with members and non-members last Summer as well as ideas and other feedback from members over the last year.

One of the questions we asked ourselves was ‘What is the Club’s purpose?’ Looking at the original 1950 constitution (which we’re seeking to update soon), we saw two key activities – meeting other businesspeople and learning for business. They’re still important to succeed in business today, so you’ll find them at the heart of the 2017-18 season.


Learning event topics, some of which were suggested by members, have been chosen to provide you with essential information you can use straight away on today’s key business issues. They will include:

Details of the final learning events in the Club season will be announced later. If there are topics you’d like covered, please email us with them.


Professor Sally Mapstone, Principal of The University of St Andrews, is the keynote speaker at our ‘Inspiring Women’ event in March 2018

We know from past seasons how much hearing high-achieving people such as Lord Mulholland, Alban Denton and Kevin Grainger sharing their stories and lessons can inspire and educate others. So we’re delighted Professor Sally Mapstone, Principal of the University of St Andrews, has agreed to give the keynote speech at our ‘Inspiring Women’ event on March 7 next year (the eve of International Women’s Day).

But first, on October 11, Alan Mahon, co-founder of craft beer social enterprise Brewgooder, will be among a panel of entrepreneurs sharing their stories and advice at the University of St Andrews Enterprise Week Keynote Event which the Club is contributing to in partnership with the student committee. Members will have access to a Club priority allocation of tickets for this event. Click here for more details.


To aid the business networking part of our purpose, since last season all Club events have included scheduled time for networking. This year we’re going a step further and opening most of our events to non-members – so they can join members and their guests and all enjoy the benefits of meeting more people.

We’re also adding informal facilitated networking lunches to the schedule – for a small number of people to discuss over a light lunch how a business issue or problem was or can be dealt with. The first will be held on March 28.

New formats, times & more events

Those of you familiar with the Club will have spotted a new word there – ‘lunches.’ One of the event format changes we’re introducing this year as a result of member feedback is having our daytime events at lunchtime rather than breakfast during the GMT months – so you don’t have to get up in the cold and dark to attend. See the event listings for details of dates and times.

Another new event format we’re trying is holding a Pecha Kucha-style event on May 9. Members will be drawn at random to present 20 slides of 20 seconds each on a topic of interest to all. It promises to be a fun night!

Also as a result of member feedback, we’re extending the Club’s season into May and June for the first time, which means members will be getting even more value from their annual membership fee and non-members will have more opportunities to join in, meet and learn.

New Membership benefits

The right to present at our Pecha Kucha-style event is one of several new membership benefits we’re introducing this year. But why else should you join the Club?

Other new benefits include:

  • One free Guest at each event
  • Member profile, logo, contact info and link listing on Club website (Coming Soon)
  • Opportunity to write a guest blog post for the Club website once a year
  • Access to Club allocation of tickets for external events, such as the General Election Hustings earlier this year
  • Free display of flyers at events

Those join the following benefits which members already enjoy:

  • Access to Members & Guests-only events
  • Free access to evening events
  • Opportunity to be the expert speaker at a Club event
  • Company feature post on Club social media channels
  • Opportunity to have social posts shared on Club channels (Twitter & Facebook)
  • Opportunity to host a Club ‘Business visit’ event

Anyone joining the Club by September 4 will be able to join members and their guests in an exclusive tour of the new five-star Kinnettles Hotel hosted by owner Fraser Ogston on September 6.

Members will also enjoy a VIP tour of the upgraded facilities at The Old Course Hotel on December 6 as part of a festive Club social. The Club year will end with a Members & Guests-only social barbecue on June 27.

Membership still only £30 per Season

That’s a fantastic range of benefits for just £30 annual individual membership – the best value it’s ever been.

Still not convinced? You can read here why some members joined, what they’ve gained and enjoyed since.

Want to join the Club? Find out how to do that here. Existing members will receive their renewal reminder next month.

New Corporate Membership option

If you think some of your colleagues would also want to join or renew their membership, you should consider the new corporate membership option we’re introducing. It’s just £100 for five named members of an organisation and includes some extra benefits over individual membership. Go here for full details.

Whether you’re already a member, a past one or someone new to the Club, we’d be delighted to see you at our events this season. And hear what you think – so we can keep making the Club better.

  • Details of the full season’s topics, dates, speakers are here
  • Details of membership benefits and how to join the Club are here
  • For latest news from the Club, its members and the North-East Fife business community, follow the Club here on Twitter and like our Facebook page