Sustainability – Benefitting your Business & the Planet


Club President Caroline Rochford chaired the event.

As our climate heats, causing more regular severe weather events and permanent changes to our environmentmore businesses are realising we need to change our everyday operational practices to make them more environmentally sustainable. 


This event heard three highly experienced and environmentallyconscious speakers discuss ways our businesses can have less environmental impact and how to market your greenness’ and use it to build relationships with stakeholders.

Resource Efficient Scotland Implementation Adviser Fiona Flynn, explained why and how businesses can be environmentally sustainable.

Fiona Flynn, an Implementation Advisor at Resource Efficient Scotland, explained why and how SMEs can make their business environmentally sustainable and its benefits.  

Reseda Muir, Co-founder and Director ofSt Andrews-based Muir Walker Pride Chartered Architects and Interior Designers (MWP), explained how MWP made its business more environmentally sustainable. 

David Stutchfield, Sustainability Manager of the University of St Andrews, talked about what the university has done and how you can market your sustainability goals and commitments.

University of St Andrews Sustainability Manager David Stutchfield talked about its work on sustainability policies, carbon management plans, sustainable resources plans and utilities and waste, how businesses can do the same and market their new ‘green’ credentials. 

For more information about this subject, you can visit their websites at: 

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page. 

NEXT EVENT: The Clubs next event is February 5: Structured Networkinga networking event open to all Members, Members guests and non-members. 

St Andrews Business Club seeks past Presidents for 70th Birthday event

St Andrews Business Club will turn 70 years old this month and is looking for help bringing together as many of its past Presidents as possible for the birthday event.


One of the oldest continuously-operating business clubs in Scotland, it turns 70 on January 24 and is holding a celebratory dinner-dance at The Old Course Hotel on Friday February 21. The Committee are appealing for any of its 62 past Presidents to get in touch so they can attend.

Current and past members can book for the dinner-dance, which will feature music by renowned band Ceilidhdonia, via the club website.

Speaking about the club and the event, current President, Caroline Rochford, said: “It’s a massive achievement for such a relatively small networking and business club to have survived this long, but we are justifiably proud of this achievement thanks to the hard work of the hundreds of volunteer Committee members over the decades and the support of our members.


“When you think back to what running a business back would have been like in 1950, so much has changed – there were no industrial tribunals, very little employment or health and safety legislation and the technology involved in running a business now would have been unimaginable then. Equally, running a business in post-war Britain would have had very different challenges to those we face today.”

Caroline, who took office as only the second woman President in the club’s history in May last year, added: “Our business club has stood the test of time and we are delighted to be celebrating its success and taking this opportunity to thank those who, over the years, have kept the club going. Past presidents who’ve not been in contact with the club in recent years should email the club Secretary via as we’d like to have as many present as possible.”

St Andrews Business Club is the place in North-East Fife to meet business people, learn business tips, and holds networking events at least monthly between September and June. Past speakers include such names as Sir Tom Farmer, Sir Menzies Campbell MP, Andy Irvine, Former Lord Advocate Lord Mulholland, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Scotland, Lord Ian Duncan and William Dowson, Bank of England Agent for Scotland.

Anyone wanting to learn more about this event, or book should go to the Eventbrite listing.

Environmental sustainability business event in St Andrews January 22

The beginning of the new year is the perfect time to review your business strategy and what your priorities are.

One such priority for many businesses is becoming more energy efficient and environmentally sustainable.

Our first event of 2020 will enable you to learn how to make your business greener, which will benefit you, your business and the planet.

This will be our first event to be held at Rufflets Hotel while our usual venue, The Old Course Hotel, is undergoing extensive refurbishment of its conference and meeting facilities.

Three Expert Speakers

Three expert speakers will share their knowledge in the event which starts at 5.30pm.

Resource Efficient Scotland Implementation Adviser, Fiona Flynn, will explain why and how SMEs can make their business environmentally sustainable, the benefits of doing so and the impartial expert support available from Resource Efficient Scotland.



Reseda Muir, co-founder and Director of St Andrews-based Muir Walker Pride Chartered Architects and Interior Designers (MWP), will explain how MWP made its business more environmentally sustainable and how you could do the same for your business.




Finally, University of St Andrews Sustainability Manager David Stutchfield will talk about its work on sustainability and how to market your ‘greenness’ and use it to build relationships with stakeholders.

Join Us


If you want to come along and learn about this important business topic for business, as well as network, is asked to book via Eventbrite.


A full list of this season’s events can be found at