April, 2019

Women’s Enterprise Scotland CEO to speak at St Andrews Business Club AGM evening

Carolyn Currie​, Chief Executive of Women’s Enterprise Scotland

Women’s Enterprise Scotland Chief Executive Carolyn Currie is the speaker at St Andrews Business Club’s AGM Evening on Wednesday May 15, to which non-members are invited after the AGM formalities.


To be held at the Old Course Hotel from 6.15pm, Carolyn Currie will tell attendees about her extensive career at a senior level in financial services and her current work with Women’s Enterprise Scotland.



Ms Currie has guided the development of global-leading standards for gender equality in business advisor training and digital platform content. She has given evidence to Parliamentary Committees on economic matters, is a founding member of the UK Women’s Enterprise Policy Group, has contributed policy papers to the World Economic Forum in Davos and is a member of the T20, the think tank of the G20.

Anyone wanting to attend is asked to book via Eventbrite.

A full list of this season’s events can be found at http://bit.ly/StABCEvents.


Business Breakfast – Reverse Engineer A Successful Business Exit

Ewan Menzies, Director of Castle Strategy, Mount Parnassus, Concord and CTA Global shared useful tips and advice to plan a successful exit strategy for your business and improve its performance at the Business Breakfast event held by St Andrews Business Club at The Old Course Hotel.

By Sanaa Sachdev   

In our fourth event of the year, Ewan Menzies, Director of Castle Strategy, Mount Parnassus, Concord Systems and CTA Global, shared valuable tips and advice to help members plan a successful business exit.  


They included: 

Ewan involved the attendees with a ‘solve the maze’ activity to demonstrate how working backwards from a desired goal can be easier than beginning at the start and some thought-provoking real-life examples to improve the outcomes in business.  

Thanks to Ewan for sharing his experience and knowledge with us.  

Thanks to the Members, Guests and Visitors who attended the event. 

For more information about Mount Parnassus, go to its website  

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page.   

St Andrews Business Club