North-East Fife business people can learn from others’ success stories at the next event being held by St Andrews Business Club on June 5.
Members of the club, drawn at random on the night, will share their favourite business success story at the event, which non-members are encouraged to attend.
“Given the broad range of sectors and expertise of our members, this will be a great chance to learn useful business tips for the area you work in from other SME business owners and managers, as well as the opportunity to network with members and non-members,” said new club President, Caroline Rochford.
Anyone wanting to attend should book via Eventbrite.
Full details of all the club’s events are available on our Events page.
Carolyn Currie, Chief Executive of Women’s Enterprise Scotland
Women’s Enterprise Scotland Chief Executive Carolyn Currie is the speaker at St Andrews Business Club’s AGM Evening on Wednesday May 15, to which non-members are invited after the AGM formalities.
To be held at the Old Course Hotel from 6.15pm, Carolyn Currie will tell attendees about her extensive career at a senior level in financial services and her current work with Women’s Enterprise Scotland.
Ms Currie has guided the development of global-leading standards for gender equality in business advisor training and digital platform content. She has given evidence to Parliamentary Committees on economic matters, is a founding member of the UK Women’s Enterprise Policy Group, has contributed policy papers to the World Economic Forum in Davos and is a member of the T20, the think tank of the G20.
Anyone wanting to attend is asked to book via Eventbrite.
People doing business in North-East Fife can learn about developing a well-planned exit strategy for their business at St Andrews Business Club’s breakfast event on April 3.
In the fourth event of the club’s season, to be held at the Old Course Hotel from 7.30 am, strategy consultant Ewan Menzies will teach attendees many ways to create and find the right strategy for their business using the Concord action-based system for business planning.
The session will be made up of four interactive learning experiences to deliver a successful exit or take your business to the next level.
Experience and Expertise
Mr Menzies entered the management sphere in 2000 and has worked for a variety of medium and large organisations in the private, public and third sectors since. He is now Director of Castle Strategy, Mount Parnassus, Concord and CTA Global. Ewan’s specialisms include helping businesses scale and increase profitability and planning an exit strategy.
Anyone wanting to learn about this important business topic for business, as well as network, is asked to book via Eventbrite.
Full details of all the club’s events, most of which are now open to non-members, and how to join are available on its website at and Eventbrite.
Since the start of the Club’s 2017-18 Season last September, we’ve been delighted with the feedback we’ve received on our events programme from the growing number of business people attending them.
So far at least 80% of attendees taking our post-event survey have typically rated their event Excellent or Very Good overall. And many have gone on to join the Club as a result.
Today we’re announcing the details of our business learning events for the rest of the season.
Business learning
The event topics, some of which were suggested by members, have been chosen to provide you with essential information on today’s key business issues you can use straight away. They will be:
January 24:Thebusiness environment in North-East Fife in 2018 – with views from Keith Winter, Executive Director of Enterprise & Environment at Fife Council and Professor Brad MacKay, Vice-Principal, International Strategy and External Relations at University of St Andrews. This will include the results of research Brad has done into Brexit and business decision-making and Keith talking through the likely impact of the City Deals on Fife.
February 28: Modern Apprenticeships with experts John McFarlane, Employer Engagement Co-ordinator responsible for the Modern Apprenticeship programme, Fife Council, and Heather Brown, Co-ordinator for Foundation Apprenticeships, Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Fife, Fife Council.
For those looking for more personal learning and feedback on their situation, we also have a pilot informal Problem-solving networking lunch on March 28 – for a small number of people to discuss over a light lunch how a business issue or problem was or can be dealt with.
VIP tour
As a result of the positive feedback we’ve had about the Members & Guests-only Business Visits held so far, we’ve taken the opportunity to arrange an extra business visit to a site which will play some role in the business lives of many of us in the next few years – the University of St Andrews’ Eden Campus at Guardbridge. Members and their Guests will enjoy a VIP guided tour on June 27.
Opening most of our events to non-members – so they can get a taste of the business learning and networking we offer – has proven to be popular too. And the minimum 45 minutes networking time built in to our events is being well used!
We’re expecting plenty of that at our St Andrews 10 x 30 event on May 9, where Members will be drawn at random to present 10 slides for a maximum of 30 seconds each on a topic of interest to all. It promises to be a fun night!
Whether you’re already a member, a past one or someone new to the Club, we’d be delighted to see you at our events this year. And hear what you think of them – so we can keep making the Club better.
Details of the full season’s topics, dates, speakers are here
Details of membership benefits and how to join the Club are here
For latest news from the Club, its members and the North-East Fife business community, follow the Club on:
– Twitter
– Facebook page
– LinkedIn
Since the Club’s AGM in April, the Committee has been hard at work all summer on ways to make membership of the Club and attending its events more directly useful to members and non-members.
The season and changes we’re announcing today are based on the results of detailed market research interviews with members and non-members last Summer as well as ideas and other feedback from members over the last year.
One of the questions we asked ourselves was ‘What is the Club’s purpose?’ Looking at the original 1950 constitution (which we’re seeking to update soon), we saw two key activities – meeting other businesspeople and learning for business. They’re still important to succeed in business today, so you’ll find them at the heart of the 2017-18 season.
Learning event topics, some of which were suggested by members, have been chosen to provide you with essential information you can use straight away on today’s key business issues. They will include:
Details of the final learning events in the Club season will be announced later. If there are topics you’d like covered, please email us with them.
Professor Sally Mapstone, Principal of The University of St Andrews, is the keynote speaker at our ‘Inspiring Women’ event in March 2018
We know from past seasons how much hearing high-achieving people such as Lord Mulholland, Alban Denton and Kevin Grainger sharing their stories and lessons can inspire and educate others. So we’re delighted Professor Sally Mapstone, Principal of the University of St Andrews, has agreed to give the keynote speech at our ‘Inspiring Women’ event on March 7 next year (the eve of International Women’s Day).
But first, on October 11, Alan Mahon, co-founder of craft beer social enterprise Brewgooder, will be among a panel of entrepreneurs sharing their stories and advice at the University of St Andrews Enterprise WeekKeynote Event which the Club is contributing to in partnership with the student committee. Members will have access to a Club priority allocation of tickets for this event. Click here for more details.
To aid the business networking part of our purpose, since last season all Club events have included scheduled time for networking. This year we’re going a step further and opening most of our events to non-members – so they can join members and their guests and all enjoy the benefits of meeting more people.
We’re also adding informal facilitated networking lunches to the schedule – for a small number of people to discuss over a light lunch how a business issue or problem was or can be dealt with. The first will be held on March 28.
New formats, times & more events
Those of you familiar with the Club will have spotted a new word there – ‘lunches.’ One of the event format changes we’re introducing this year as a result of member feedback is having our daytime events at lunchtime rather than breakfastduring the GMT months – so you don’t have to get up in the cold and dark to attend. See the event listings for details of dates and times.
Another new event format we’re trying is holding a Pecha Kucha-style event on May 9. Members will be drawn at random to present 20 slides of 20 seconds each on a topic of interest to all. It promises to be a fun night!
Also as a result of member feedback, we’re extending the Club’s season into May and June for the first time, which means members will be getting even more value from their annual membership fee and non-members will have more opportunities to join in, meet and learn.
New Membership benefits
The right to present at our Pecha Kucha-style event is one of several newmembership benefits we’re introducing this year. But why else should you join the Club?
Other new benefits include:
One free Guest at each event
Member profile, logo, contact info and link listing on Club website (Coming Soon)
Opportunity to write a guest blog post for the Club website once a year
Access to Club allocation of tickets for external events, such as the General Election Hustings earlier this year
Free display of flyers at events
Those join the following benefits which members already enjoy:
Access to Members & Guests-only events
Free access to evening events
Opportunity to be the expert speaker at a Club event
Company feature post on Club social media channels
Opportunity to have social posts shared on Club channels (Twitter & Facebook)
That’s a fantastic range of benefits for just £30 annual individual membership – the best value it’s ever been.
Still not convinced? You can read here why some members joined, what they’ve gained and enjoyed since.
Want to join the Club? Find out how to do that here. Existing members will receive their renewal reminder next month.
New Corporate Membership option
If you think some of your colleagues would also want to join or renew their membership, you should consider the new corporate membership option we’re introducing. It’s just £100 for five named members of an organisation and includes some extra benefits over individual membership. Go here for full details.
Whether you’re already a member, a past one or someone new to the Club, we’d be delighted to see you at our events this season. And hear what you think – so we can keep making the Club better.
Details of the full season’s topics, dates, speakers are here
Details of membership benefits and how to join the Club are here
For latest news from the Club, its members and the North-East Fife business community, follow the Club here on Twitter and like our Facebook page
Chris Wood (centre) told members of St Andrews Business Club the story of how he and his wife Elaine (second left) came to own Eden Mansion as well as giving them a guided tour.
Owners tell club story behind St Andrews’ newest five-star hotel
Members of St Andrews Business Club got a privileged insight into the story behind St Andrews’ newest five-star hotel when its owners hosted a champagne reception recently.
Chris and Elaine Wood gave members a guided tour of Eden Mansion, which was once the principal family home of the Haig whisky dynasty, after entertaining them with drinks and canapes and telling them the story of how the couple, who also own serviced apartments in Aberdeen and Edinburgh, came to acquire it a few years ago.
After initially running it as an exclusive-use venue, they’ve recently switched its status to being a hotel and gained a prestigious and rare five-star rating from VisitScotland. During this year’s Open the top management of Rolex used it as their base for the tournament.
Some of the profits from the hotel will go towards funding humanitarian work the Woods do with orphans in Burundi. The hotel website can be found at
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 27 February 2013 at 6.45 pm for 7 pm at St Andrews New Picture House, North Street, St Andrews. The cost is to be confirmed but will not exceed £10.
A member of the cinema management team will give a talk on the history of the New Picture House together with a tour, following which members will enjoy a movie, title to be confirmed.
The New Picture House in St Andrews opened in 1931. It has a long, narrow auditorium, with a balcony and a barrel-vaulted ceiling and was listed Category B by Historic Scotland in 2008.
There is also the option to meet for a meal beforehand at 5.30 pm in Rascals (next door to cinema).
Our Christmas event, on Thursday 29 November 2012, will be dinner followed by the opening night’s performance of this year’s pantomime, ‘Snow White’, at The Byre Theatre, St Andrews. We will meet at the theatre at 5.30 pm (please be prompt) for dinner, the show will commence at 7 pm and finish by 9 pm. We have also been offered a backstage tour after the show for those who are interested. Please indicate whether or not you would like to go on the tour on your reply slip below.
The costs for the evening are –
2 course meal with tea/coffee & ticket – £29 for adults
Children’s dinner & ticket – £16
Please note that this will not include any drinks and once paid for it is not refundable although it is transferable to another person for that evening only.
All cheques should be made payable to ‘The Byre Theatre of St Andrews’ not the Business Club.
“Mirror, Mirror on the wall …..
In the kingdom of Fantasia, time is running out – if Queen Lucretia doesn’t find a husband soon, she will lose her eternal youth and beauty. But she’s not worried – she has her sights set on the dashing Prince Valiant and when you’re the “fairest in the land”, how could he possibly resist?
But when the Prince meets Snow White and falls in love, the wicked queen will stop at nothing to get rid of her new rival. Is Snow White doomed? Is Prince Valiant brave enough to rescue his new love and ensure good triumphs over evil? Oh, and just who are those seven small figures lurking in the woods…?
Filled with laughter, suspense and a host of colourful characters, the Byre Panto returns with a fresh take on this classic story that’s guaranteed to keep audiences of all ages spellbound.”
We have been invited by Fife Chamber of Commerce to attend on 4 October 2012 as guests at the Dunhill Hospitality Suite on the Old Course, St Andrews at a special Business Breakfast in celebration of the Dunhill Links Golf Championship which is being played at St Andrews, Kingsbarns and Carnoustie from 3rd
Major General Euan Loudon CBE, Chief Executive of St Andrews Links Trust will address us on the Business of Golf and How Business can work with the St Andrews Links Trust.
Euan has been at the helm of the Links Trust since early 2011 and took up this position following a successful period of being in charge of the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Mr Loudon joined the army in 1974 and quickly rose through the ranks. He commanded the 1st Battalion, The Royal Highland Fusiliers, and in his final appointment, with the rank of major general, he was general officer commanding the army’s 2nd Division and governor of Edinburgh Castle.
In 1991, Mr Loudon was awarded the OBE for operational service in the Gulf as the chief of staff of the Desert Rats. In 2004 he was appointed CBE for operational service in Northern Ireland. He took up the position with the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in 2007. During his tenure the company achieved record profits in 2009 and was given the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade section.
The event will commence at 7.45am, with a light breakfast and refreshments and following presentations, discussion and networking the event will close at 9.15am. Guests will have the opportunity to remain on the Old Course for the remainder of the day to take in some of the excellent golf that will be on show free of charge. Full joining instructions including parking arrangements will be issued nearer the time to those who have confirmed their attendance.
There are eight places available which will be allocated on a first come first served basis – this is due to the restricted number of places available.
Our next event is a social event at The Scores Hotel at 6 pm for 6.30 pm on 7 June. This is an entirely informal event and is open to members, spouses and partners, and it is intended to give us all a chance to chat and get to know one another in a way which is not always as easy when we have a formal presentation.
The plan is to have a Bar-B-Q menu with vegetarian options held outside on the rear patio if the weather is conducive and with seating inside the Garden Suite if it is not. The will be provided at the cost of £15 per person. Drinks are separate.
The plan is to arrive for drinks in the Patio Bar from 6 pm onwards, and then have the meal from 6.30 pm onwards. On arrival, if you go to Reception they will give directions, or just go straight to the Patio Bar if you know your way around the hotel.