2021 AGM – Guest Speaker Jamie Andrew


Remaining online for the Club’s 2021 AGM, the conference celebrated this season’s committee and members for hosting a share of memorable virtual events throughout these exceptional times. 

Immediate Past President Marie Paterson acknowledged the resilience and dedication of the club’s members in continuing to focus on business development despite the difficult challenges posed the past year. Despite membership dropping from its all-time high of 130, approximately being cut in half as a result of the pandemic, the organisation’s bank balance is in good shape as the club looks to start the new season with face to face meetings. 

Marie praised the outgoing Committee for creating engaging and productive zoom sessions combining the likes of food, wine, networking and education. Events covered a range of pressing topics including ‘leading change; podcasting; embracing diversity; and the impact of Brexit.’ Similarly, the club’s first partnering with the Home Start St Andrews charity at Christmas proves a new annual means of support to the community. 


2021-2022 Committee

The 2021-2022 elected committee are:

  • 65th President Christopher Trotter
  • Vice President – Heather Stuart
  • Secretary – Emma-Jane Kerr
  • Treasurer – Alasdair Kyle
  • Immediate Past President – Marie Paterson
  • Committee members – Reseda Muir, Edward Obi, Andrew Stewart.


Marie gave great acknowledgement to secretary Emma-Jane Kerr for her major role in improving the club’s operation. She also thanked Immediate Past President Caroline and past Treasurer Michael for their longtime service as they stood down from their respective positions. Similarly, Marie thanked her Vice President Reseda and the rest of the committee who are continuing their roles in the upcoming season. Last but not least she thanked Marketing-communications interns Sanaa and Stanley for all they have done in promoting the club the past two years. Stating, “I am especially delighted to be handing over to a really strong group of office bearers who I know will see us through the next year, whatever life throws at us.”

Lastly, Marie enthusiastically introduced the newly elected committee before ‘passing the medal’ on to Newly-elected President Christopher Trotter. Trotter, a longtime member and St Andrews native, thanked Marie for her unwavering service and saluted his Committee, marketing communications interns and members for a much-anticipated return in-person events.

Christopher’s first order as President was to encourage each member to invite a colleague to the club’s future events, a sure way to increase membership numbers for the coming season. 

Closing the AGM, Christopher introduced the long-awaited guest speaker for the evening’s inspiring presentation, which was given by Jamie Andrew, OBE. Jamie detailed his experience of losing all of his limbs after being trapped by a storm atop a mountain in the French Alps. Following this, Jamie’s inspiring story shows his recovery from his injuries and him going on to be the first quadruple amputee to climb the Matterhorn, as well as other mountains, alongside completing marathons and Iron Man triathlons. Jamie’s story, recounted with honesty and passion, is nothing short of incredible.  

Podcasts, Vlogs and Talking Media

At our recent event on Podcasts, Vlogs and talking media, Kerr Mathieson of Audio Outsource discussed the power of audio and how podcasts can be used to grow and promote businesses. 



Kerr runs a production company in Dundee and has 30 years of experience in music and audio production. He helps businesses to utilise podcasting and audio branding to expand their business.

Kerr explained many aspects of podcasts, for example distinguishing between business and leisure podcasts; the construction of branding through audio and the process of monetisation and promotion. He finished with a Q&A session to answer the guest’s questions on the topics covered.

NEXT EVENT: AGM + Jamie Andrew OBE

Diversity in Business

At our first Diversity in Business Event, Sumayya Usmani, Food Educator, Broadcaster and author of two award-winning cookbooks  discussed the need for a changing mindset to best represent a diversity-based inclusive policy and the experiences that led her to serving as the Diversity Coordinator for The Guild of Food Writers. 



Pakistani born Sumayya Usmani shared the hurdles a food writer faces when generalization and appropriation are present in everyday life and the consequent steps that any organization should consider when looking to make a more diversity-based inclusive policy. 

Attendees also enjoyed an active Q&A session with Sumayya, involving topics such as transgender recruitment and diversity and inclusion policies for small organisations.

NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is April 21 Podcast, vlogs and talking media. 

Member blog – Horisk Leslie Development

Fife software firm’s new platform for Scottish Procurement helping public bodies kickstart Covid-19 economy response

A new platform developed by Fife software consultancy Horisk Leslie Development for Scottish Procurement is helping Scotland’s public bodies embed sustainability requirements in their procurements, kickstarting the national economic recovery post-Covid-19.

The Sustainable Procurement Tools platform

The Sustainable Procurement Tools platform brings together three tools designed to help Scotland’s public sector organisations identify and address how they can optimise the economic, social and environmental outcomes of their procurement. It makes them easier to access, reference and use – with a similar look and feel to each. It also enables better sharing of knowledge and experience within and beyond the organisations and makes them more likely to be used and deliver their benefits to the organisations, businesses and the public.

The Flexible Framework Assessment Tool is used to assess the current level of performance and actions required to embed good procurement practice to realise intended sustainable outcomes. The Prioritisation Tool assists early-stage strategic planning and brings a standard, structured approach to the assessment of spend categories. The Sustainability Test helps embed relevant and proportionate sustainability requirements in the development of frameworks and contracts. It can be used on its own or on the results of prioritisation assessment, where done.

Made live recently, the bespoke platform developed over five months by the Cupar-based consultancy replaces several offline Excel-based tools and is already being used by just under 100 procurement officials. Horisk, which specialises in bespoke software systems to simplify using organisation processes, won the £61,000 contract through a competitive tender in one of the Scottish Government’s national frameworks designed to ensure best value and quality in privately-sourced services and products.

Using the sustainable procurement tools on the new platform to assist early-stage strategic planning can form a helpful part of restarting activities, contributing to Scotland’s four-step economic plan:  Response, Reset, Restart and Recover. Using the tools in the new platform can also help embed relevant and proportionate social, economic and environmental requirements in public frameworks and contracts.

Horisk’s public sector projects include work for the Historic Environment Scotland, Scotland’s Charity Regulator (OSCR), the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland (CYPCS), National Museums of Scotland, The Robert Gordon University, University of St Andrews, University of West of Scotland, The London School of Economics with more being created.

Director Brian Horisk.

Speaking about the new platform, Director Brian Horisk, said: “We’re delighted to have had another large public sector client – a directorate of The Scottish Government – select us to develop a key tool which will be used by many organisations throughout Scotland to help us not only recover from the social, economic and environmental damage done by Covid-19 but also rebuild in a socially-inclusive and environmentally sustainable way so the benefits are enjoyed by all and help Scotland meet its climate goals.

“As someone committed to sustainable development, this has been a very satisfying project to use our specialism in bespoke software systems which simplify using organisation processes. It’s great to see it being adopted so widely already – allowing the benefits to be realised so soon.”

Lorraine Hook, of Scottish Procurement, said: “Horisk’s experience of developing similar tools for other public sector organisations was invaluable and meant they could hit the ground running on our project. They were able to offer innovative solutions to our requirements and, despite the pandemic, continued to work with us to deliver our project on time. As a result, we now have a single platform which provides easier access to our suite of tools and supporting guidance.”

For more about Horisk Leslie Development, go to its website at https://horisk.com/

Members’ Presentations – How to get your business through Covid-19

Since we started holding our Member Presentation Evenings two years ago, it has been one of our most popular annual events. Club members, talk for five minutes each and answer questions to share some useful knowledge and demonstrate their skills and expertise.


This year, given the challenges presented by Covid-19, we asked them to talk about what will help businesses survive and thrive during and after lockdown.

First to speak was Club President and well-being expert Marie Paterson who provided top tips for maintaining health throughout lockdown, whether it be through a healthy structured diet or a consistent sleeping pattern.


Next to speak was new Club committee member and Director of HRHUB Plus, Edward Obi who offered detailed HR advice to employers during the Covid-19 crisis.


Third to speak was Club Treasurer Michael Stephenson, of EQ Accountants, who offered advice on furloughing employees and accounting throughout lockdown.


Next to speak was Andrew Stewart from A S Wealth Management, who discussed the importance of financial planning during and beyond lockdown.


Fifth to speak was Heather Stuart, Chief Executive of ONFife who talked about opportunity spotting during lockdown.


Last but not least was committee member Jonathan Gibson of Wells Gibson who talked about the importance of purpose driven wealth.

Thanks to Members and guests who took part.

NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is June 24: Summer Social with a difference. While we’re unable to meet and taste some wine and food as planned, we will still join together virtually with two specially-selected wines and some delicious food, hosted by Christopher Trotter. Notice of the wineand food which needs to be bought in advance will be available soon!

Wellbeing during this strange time


The Club held its first online event via Zoom, with networking and an informative talk on wellbeing during the Covid-19 emergency from Vice-President Marie Paterson.


The event kicked off with online networking in breakout groups, giving Members and Guests the opportunity for informal chats.

Wellbeing expert Marie gave her online audience some top tips on how to remain focused, productive, healthy and upbeat during this time of uncertainty.

For more information about this subject, you can visit Marie’s website at https://mariepaterson.com/

NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is May 20: AGM Evening, when Andy Lothian, Chairman of Insights Group, will explain the importance of focusing on your purpose rather than just your plan and the value of a people-centred approach to business.

Info & tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/agm-evening-andy-lothian-insights-group-tickets-69999118247

Inspiring Women 2020

In the week of International Women’s Day, the annual celebration of the contribution women make to the world, St Andrews Business Club held its third annual Inspiring Women event, this time in conjunction with Fife Women in Business.


As in the past two years it welcomed two more inspiring women who have achieved much to date in their careers and lives.

Rachel Weiss, Partner at Rowan Consultancy, shared her story in St Andrews Business Club’s 3rd annual Inspiring Women event.

Rachel Weiss shared how after studying mathematics at Oxford she began her career as a school teacher before becoming a counsellor and coach, founding Rowan Consultancy in Perth in 1997. It now has a network of counsellors from London to Inverness, together with coaches and trainers throughout Scotland, helping people to live more satisfying lives.

In 2017, she also founded the Menopause Café charity which coordinates pop-up events worldwide, where people gather to drink tea, eat cake and talk about menopause. It also runs the world’s only Menopause Festival – #FlushFest2020 will be held in Perth on May 29 and 30.

Rachel spoke engagingly about her fascinating journey, the setbacks she’s faced and how she’s overcome them.

Rachael Nixon, Owner of Chanix Millinery, shared her career journey in St Andrews Business Club’s 3rd annual Inspiring Women event.

Rachael Jayne Nixon explained how she began her career as a children’s nurse. Her interest in millinery came after she moved back home from a spell living in Saudi Arabia, where she’d bought a large and expensive ‘hatinator’ to attend a race day organised by the British Embassy.

On her flight home, the hatinator was accidentally destroyed by another passenger. As she had several weddings to attend that year, Rachael, who’s been into crafts since childhood, ended up making a replacement herself because she couldn’t find any she liked and matched her outfits.

Her Chanix Millinery business began when she posted a photo of the hatinator on Facebook and got two orders for more! Since then she spent three years teaching herself the traditional millinery skills before studying it formally at Glasgow Clyde College .

She went on to share how in a short time she has become an international award-winning milliner, including first place at the Lincoln International Millinery Competition, Best Hat at a Melbourne Cup event in Australia and Winner of Amazing New Business Innovator in No1 Magazine’s Amazing Women Awards 2020. Rachael spoke movingly of how she’s gained confidence through overcoming barriers.

Thanks to both women for inspiring everyone!

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page.

NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is April 22: Business Communications, when Eugene Clarke will help you achieve your goals through effective communication.

Sustainability – Benefitting your Business & the Planet


Club President Caroline Rochford chaired the event.

As our climate heats, causing more regular severe weather events and permanent changes to our environmentmore businesses are realising we need to change our everyday operational practices to make them more environmentally sustainable. 


This event heard three highly experienced and environmentallyconscious speakers discuss ways our businesses can have less environmental impact and how to market your greenness’ and use it to build relationships with stakeholders.

Resource Efficient Scotland Implementation Adviser Fiona Flynn, explained why and how businesses can be environmentally sustainable.

Fiona Flynn, an Implementation Advisor at Resource Efficient Scotland, explained why and how SMEs can make their business environmentally sustainable and its benefits.  

Reseda Muir, Co-founder and Director ofSt Andrews-based Muir Walker Pride Chartered Architects and Interior Designers (MWP), explained how MWP made its business more environmentally sustainable. 

David Stutchfield, Sustainability Manager of the University of St Andrews, talked about what the university has done and how you can market your sustainability goals and commitments.

University of St Andrews Sustainability Manager David Stutchfield talked about its work on sustainability policies, carbon management plans, sustainable resources plans and utilities and waste, how businesses can do the same and market their new ‘green’ credentials. 

For more information about this subject, you can visit their websites at: 

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page. 

NEXT EVENT: The Clubs next event is February 5: Structured Networkinga networking event open to all Members, Members guests and non-members. 

Environmental sustainability business event in St Andrews January 22

The beginning of the new year is the perfect time to review your business strategy and what your priorities are.

One such priority for many businesses is becoming more energy efficient and environmentally sustainable.

Our first event of 2020 will enable you to learn how to make your business greener, which will benefit you, your business and the planet.

This will be our first event to be held at Rufflets Hotel while our usual venue, The Old Course Hotel, is undergoing extensive refurbishment of its conference and meeting facilities.

Three Expert Speakers

Three expert speakers will share their knowledge in the event which starts at 5.30pm.

Resource Efficient Scotland Implementation Adviser, Fiona Flynn, will explain why and how SMEs can make their business environmentally sustainable, the benefits of doing so and the impartial expert support available from Resource Efficient Scotland.



Reseda Muir, co-founder and Director of St Andrews-based Muir Walker Pride Chartered Architects and Interior Designers (MWP), will explain how MWP made its business more environmentally sustainable and how you could do the same for your business.




Finally, University of St Andrews Sustainability Manager David Stutchfield will talk about its work on sustainability and how to market your ‘greenness’ and use it to build relationships with stakeholders.

Join Us


If you want to come along and learn about this important business topic for business, as well as network, is asked to book via Eventbrite.


A full list of this season’s events can be found at http://bit.ly/StABCEvents



November 13: Work-life balance – success without sacrifice

Work-life Balance – Success without sacrifice

Sam Forsberg, of ActionCoach Scotland, explained the importance of maintaining some kind of work-life balance as our working lives get busier at the event held by St Andrews Business Club at The Old Course Hotel.

Success in business is no good if you end up sacrificing your health or your relationships with your loved ones.

As our working lives get busier by the year, maintaining some kind of work-life balance gets harder, particularly for the self-employed.

The audience heard from Sam Forsberg, from ActionCoach Scotland, who gave attendees practical advice on organising themselves and looking after their physical health, to help with setting and achieving realistic business goals which allow them to also meet their personal goals.

For more information about this subject, you can visit ActionCoach Scotland website at https://actioncoach.co.uk/coaches/sam-forsberg/

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page.


NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is Dec 11: Festive Social, where members can enjoy a festive social event and tour of the five-star Fairmont St Andrews hotel.