Ask The Minister – Lord Ian Duncan

October 25, 2018

Lord Ian Duncan, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Scotland, talked about and took questions on policies affecting business, including Brexit and the Tay Cities Deal, at the joint event held by Fife Chamber of Commerce and St Andrews Business Club at The Old Course Hotel.

Lord Ian Duncan, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Scotland, talked candidly and entertainingly about and took questions on policies affecting business, including Brexit, Trade, the Tay Cities Deal, and Industrial Policy in a joint event with Fife Chamber of Commerce.


Thanks to Lord Duncan for sharing his time and views with our Members in this very useful and enjoyable event.

Thanks to Members who attended.

Report & Pictures by ASM Media & PR

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page.

NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is a Business Breakfast on November 7, when respected international negotiator Andrew B. Brown, will run a workshop on negotiation skills. This will be a joint event with Fife Women in Business.

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