Festive Social – V&A Dundee

December 13, 2018

Members of St Andrews Business Club and their Guests are shown around the building by one of the tour guides.

Thanks to Members and Guests for attending the Club’s 2018 Festive Social at V&A Dundee – the No.1 choice of Members in the Summer Member Survey.


It topped off a record year for the Club perfectly – with a new record attendance for an event!

Best wishes for the festive season to all our Members and the wonderful people who make St Andrews and North-East Fife the uniquely amazing place it is.

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page.

Report & Pictures by ASM Media & PR

NEXT EVENT: The Club’s next event is January 16: North-East Fife 2019 when Gordon Mole of Fife Council and Prof Brad MacKay of the University of St Andrews will give their insights into the business environment next year, including the effects of Brexit and the Tay Cities Deal.

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