Members’ Success Stories

June 6, 2019

By Sanaa Sachdev

In our second annual Members’ Success Stories eventMembers shared their favourite business success story in a five-minute presentation.


Since the 10 x 30 Members’ Presentation Night last season turned out to be such a success, we decided to bring it back with a new element. Members talked about their experience, knowledge and their favourite business success story!

The event demonstrated energy in the form of passion, dedication and perseverance our members have devoted to reach the level of success they have achieved.

Those chosen at random were:

Thanks to them for sharing their experience. Thanks to Members, Guests & Visitors who attended. 

Jonathan Gibson of Wells Gibson Limited


Clark Boles of CBO Associates Limited


Reseda Muir of Muir Walker & Pride Architects and Interior Designers


Peter Menzies of Dundee Gin and Co.


Gareth Mailer of Indivigital


Pete Richardson of First Aid Perthshire

For more photos, go to the Album on our Facebook page. 

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